Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Crimson Alliance

Its officially out now in the gaming press so now I can talk about it. I worked as both and environment artist and a level designer on it this little XBLA game and I sure hope people like it!
Read about it here at Kotaku.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The first known museum...

I love a good archeology story. I think it has to do with watching all of those Indiana Jones movies as a kid. Here is one from I09 about the first known museum that is 2,5oo years old.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Most expensive motorcycle??

I love motorcycles for their interesting shapes, exposed mechanical parts and their gleaming chrome bits...Here is a fine example of a really rare vintage bike called the "porcupine." It was written about in a recent article on Forbes. They were manufactured by AJS and their were only four of them ever made! Beautiful piece of machinery. Read all about it here...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Havent been blogging as much

Ive been updating my work related sections of the site. I have had to modify my template to accommodate the larger size shots of my work. Blogger has also been sporadically available for the last week or so for me. Expect more frequent posts soon!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

What is Bungie up too??

Will it live up to the hype?? These are all very interesting questions that only the future can divulge. Here is an article on CNN about this very subject. Actually I know but I cannot say. The games industry is extremely secretive, incestuous and clannish. So we dont divulge much about what we know... Its part of the developer code.